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Digital trends 2024

By Webit Interactive

12 min.

The digital trends for 2024 are exciting and promise to significantly transform our approach to digital and reflect the rapid evolution of our digital world.

Adopting and adjusting these trends to our requirements opens the door to creating opportunities to drive engagement, increase our visibility, and, most importantly, improve our users' experience. E-commerce will continue to dominate the economic landscape, while data collection will play a vital role in personalizing our websites. At the same time, employee advocacy (new word valid in 2024) and the involvement of human resources in digital will gain importance, with the labour shortage forcing them to become more involved in digital this year.

By anticipating future developments and adapting our strategies and actions accordingly, we can benefit from these trends to achieve our objectives and innovate.

So, let's not be afraid of change; 2024 opens up new exciting prospects and possibilities to propel our businesses and brands to new heights.

Influencer marketing is an effective lever.

A booming field for several years, it is an effective lever for organizations, especially brands that wish to promote their products and services. What are the key strategies for a successful influencer campaign in 2024?

  1. Collaboration authenticity: Consumers are becoming increasingly wary of influencer partnerships. Thus, a significant trend will be to favour authentic collaborations, where influencers have a natural affinity with the brand and share the same values. This helps build audience credibility and trust;
  2. Micro-influencers: Although macro-influencers have dominated the market for years, the trend is now shifting towards micro-influencers. Brands will seek to reach more targeted and, above all, engaged audiences by working with influencers who have a more minor but highly engaged community;
  3. Quality content and creativity: Consumers are increasingly demanding when it comes to content. Companies will, therefore, have to rely on creative collaborations and quality content to stand out in the flow of information. Innovative formats such as interactive videos or live broadcasts will also be favoured;
  4. Measuring impact: Measuring the impact of influencer campaigns will be a crucial trend in 2024. Organizations will look to more accurately measure their influencer partnerships' return on investment (ROI), using performance monitoring tools and analyzing data to make informed decisions.

By adopting these trends, companies can optimize their influence strategies and obtain convincing results. It is, therefore, essential to stay tuned to developments in influencer marketing to remain competitive in your market.

E-commerce always has more opportunities.

E-commerce constantly evolves, so staying ahead of the curve is essential to maximize your revenue and retain your customers. In 2024, new opportunities and challenges are emerging in the e-commerce landscape. Here are some strategic tips for taking advantage of these emerging trends.

  1. Ease of access to resources: One of the major trends in e-commerce in 2024 is ever-easier access to the resources necessary to create and manage a successful online store to be responsive. Solutions like Shopify allow entrepreneurs to launch their online stores quickly and easily;
  2. Customizing messages through automation: By meticulously analyzing customer profiles and audience segmentation, automation will deliver personalized content and bespoke recommendations.
  3. The importance of adapted payment methods: In 2024, it will be crucial to offer solutions adapted to customer expectations to increase revenue. A simplified, secure purchasing process that gives consumers preferred payment methods will be essential. Trends like split payment (PayBright, Afterpay, etc.) help increase the conversion rate during times of inflation;
  4. Impact of AI on e-commerce: Generative AI technologies will have a significant effect on e-commerce, including enabling deeper personalization and precise recommendations;
  5. The importance of customer experience: A perfect experience on your website is essential to avoid any friction that could lead to a loss of revenue. Customer experience must be at the center of your acquisition and loyalty strategy.

E-commerce will evolve in 2024, offering new opportunities to maximize revenue and build customer loyalty. By following emerging trends, your sales will continue to increase.

The simplified purchasing journey

Customer expectations constantly evolve (understatement), so the consumer purchasing journey is crucial. In 2024, new opportunities are emerging in the purchasing journey, and we must seize them. Some strategic advice to improve your customer relations and maximize your sales:

  1. The impact of online reviews: Most people surveyed in studies (more than 75%) said that reviews influence their purchasing decisions. It is, therefore, essential to take care of your online reputation and interact with your customers to collect positive reviews;
  2. The importance of online visibility: With most consumers checking online reviews regularly, increasing your visibility on relevant platforms like Google is crucial. By optimizing your local SEO and providing up-to-date information about your business, you increase your chances of being found by consumers during their search. The purchasing journey begins, above all, with a search for needs;
  3. Personalization of the shopping experience: Using the data collected about your customers, you can offer relevant product recommendations and create a tailor-made shopping experience. Conversational agents and artificial intelligence can also be used to personalize interactions with your customers in an automated way;
  4. Omnichannel: Consumers use a combination of online and offline channels during their purchasing journey. It is, therefore, essential to implement an omnichannel strategy to ensure consistency of the customer experience across all touch points. This can include the ability to move between channels frictionlessly, such as the ability to search online and buy in-store;
  5. The importance of post-purchase engagement: The buying journey does not end with the sale. Maintaining ongoing engagement with your customers post-purchase to build loyalty is essential. This can be achieved through loyalty programs, sending relevant content, and offering excellent customer service.

By leveraging emerging trends and remaining in tune with consumer needs and preferences, brands can position themselves advantageously for success in the shopping journey landscape in 2024 and beyond.

Website and personalization

Consumers are increasingly demanding and expect websites to be tailored to their needs and preferences. Therefore, website personalization allows you to create unique and engaging experiences, leading to increased conversions and customer loyalty. Here's how to do it:

  1. Data collection: Website personalization relies on the collection of relevant audience data. This may include information such as preferences, purchase history, past interactions on the site, etc. Of course, companies must be transparent about data collection and obtain user consent to use it for personalization purposes, especially with the new regulations in force;
  2. Content adaptation: Once user data has been collected, it is essential to use it to adapt the website's content. This may include recommending products or content based on user preferences, personalizing the interface and creating special offers or targeted promotions;
  3. Personalized user experience: Personalizing websites allows you to create a unique user experience for each visitor. This may include customizing the layout, colours, fonts, and features based on user preferences. The objective is to make navigation on the website more intuitive and pleasant, which promotes engagement and conversion;
  4. Interaction and Engagement: Website personalization can also include interactive elements that allow users to engage with the site further. This can be in quizzes, surveys, personalized recommendations, etc. These features encourage users to spend more time on the site and interact with its content.

Website personalization has become an essential aspect of digital marketing. Organizations can increase customer engagement, conversion and retention by providing a unique experience tailored to each user. However, once again, it is crucial to ensure transparency and protection of user data when collecting and using this information, particularly since the arrival of Bill 25 in Quebec.

Video format

The video format occupies an increasingly important place in companies' marketing strategies. In 2024, understanding trends is essential to captivate your audience and optimize your conversions. Here are strategic tips to stand out in an increasingly competitive digital landscape.

  1. The rise of long-form video: Long-form videos are experiencing a resurgence in interest, allowing brands to address topics in depth and establish expertise. Platforms such as Instagram and TikTok are also adapting by extending the length of videos to meet this growing demand;
  2. Content specific to each platform: It is crucial to create content adapted to each platform while respecting their codes and trends. Videos should be optimized for vertical formats and should fit seamlessly into each platform's content feed;
  3. The importance of reuse: To control production costs, it is recommended to reuse long video content and adapt it to shorter, vertical formats. This helps maximize reach and maintain consistency in brand communication;
  4. Personalization and interactivity: Consumers increasingly seek a personalized and interactive experience. Built-in interactive videos, quizzes, and surveys provide users with an immersive and engaging experience.

In 2024, favour long videos to delve deeper into your topics, adapt your content to each platform, reuse your existing content and create a personalized and interactive experience. By following these trends, you can maximize the impact of your videos and stand out in an increasingly saturated digital world.

Data collection

Data collection has become a central element in the field of digital marketing. Indeed, companies use the data collected to understand their customers, personalize experiences, and improve their marketing strategies. However, data collection also raises questions of confidentiality and security. What are the essential aspects of data collection in the digital world of 2024?

  1. Consent and transparency: Companies must inform users how data will be collected, used and protected. Transparency is essential to building user trust and complying with data protection regulations;
  2. Data quality: Collecting high-quality data is essential to obtain accurate information. Data must be reliable, accurate and relevant to meet business objectives. It should also be ensured that data is updated and validated regularly to maintain its quality;
  3. Data Security: Data security is a significant concern for businesses and users. It is, therefore, essential to put robust security measures in place to protect collected data from cyberattacks and security breaches. This includes practices such as data encryption, use of firewalls and advanced security solutions;
  4. Analysis and use of data: Once the data has been collected, it must be analyzed to derive relevant knowledge to implement concrete and targeted marketing actions. Businesses can, therefore, use data analysis tools to identify trends, customer behaviours and opportunities for improvement. The data collected can be used to personalize user experiences and customer journeys, provide targeted offers and tailor marketing strategies based on customer preferences.

By effectively using the collected data, organizations can improve their customer relationship, develop more precise strategies and strengthen their competitive advantage in the market.

However, it is essential that data collection is carried out transparently, with user consent, and that data is securely protected.

Promotion by employees (or promotion by collaborators)

Employee advocacy is not new (Forbe 2020), but has become a significant trend in the business world. It's about allowing employees to become micro-influencers serving their company.

Traditionally, communication was limited to the one-way transmission of information from management to employees, but this has evolved to emphasize authenticity and individualization. How can this trend benefit businesses and their employees in the digital world?

  1. Employer towards employees: To maximize the added value of employee advocacy, it is essential to consider employees as micro-influencers. This means giving them the ability to personalize messages and share content that reflects their own voice and professional experience across their platforms and networks;
  2. Authentic employer branding: Recognizing employees' potential as micro-influencers for employer branding, companies are turning to more authentic content. More original and creative messages replace campaigns with a corporate and unattractive tone. Employees are encouraged to express themselves freely and share stories that truly reflect what it is like to work for the company. This helps attract authentic talents who connect to the company's values;
  3. HR asset: According to a Gartner study, 90% of B2B companies intend to integrate employee advocacy into their social media strategy by 2024. This trend is fueled by recruitment difficulties, the shortage of personnel, and the desire to use employees' voices to promote job offers, working conditions, and proposed missions. Companies should adopt an employee-centric approach to strengthen their employer brand and let employees express themselves freely on their networks. The company's role is, therefore, to promote and relay these speeches to attract and retain talent;
  4. Engagement across channels: Instead of restricting their presence to LinkedIn, companies are encouraged to boost employee expression across platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, Twitch, etc. This aims to optimize the visibility of the brand among various specialized audiences. The authenticity of the content employees share is essential, as it must reflect their interests and skills. This helps to generate interest and encourage interaction with the employer brand within their communities.
  5. Employee engagement: Obviously, the critical success factor is employee engagement. This includes a sense of belonging, visibility of internal information, as well as human and financial resources to support employee engagement. Companies should invest in initiatives to foster these elements to maintain a thriving employee advocacy program.

Employee advocacy is a relatively new term, but it's not just a new catchword; it's a trend set to play an increasingly important role in the professional world.

Rather than having one-way communication, companies should enable their employees to be micro-influencers and share their unique work experience.

By adopting a team-centric digital approach and promoting authenticity, organizations can leverage the influence of their employees to attract and retain talent.

Social media

Social networks have become essential to staying connected with loved ones, sharing life experiences, or simply interacting with brands and influential personalities.

  1. Instant communication: Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate. They allow us to stay in touch with people worldwide in real-time. Whether through private messages, comments or shares, social networks offer a platform for simple dialogue. This new reality, therefore, puts pressure on organizations and their customer services; responsiveness is essential for the consumer;
  2. Brand visibility: Businesses quickly understood the importance of being present on social media to increase their visibility. Social media offers a unique opportunity to connect directly with their target audience, share engaging content, and promote their products or services. They also have the chance to collect feedback and opinions from their customers, allowing them to improve their offer continually. However, this requires a sustained and regular commitment, which must always be maintained.
  3. Influencer marketing: Social media has given rise to a new form of marketing: influencer marketing. Influencers who have built a loyal community on social networks are crucial in recommending products or services to their community. Businesses collaborate with these influencers to reach a wider audience and benefit from their credibility and trust;
  4. Community engagement: Social media allows brands and individuals to engage their community. Whether by organizing competitions, asking questions, sharing inspiring stories or soliciting opinions, social networks promote interaction communication and strengthen ties with the consumer;
  5. Creating viral content: Social media is famous for spreading viral content quickly. A simple post, video or image can reach thousands or even millions of people in a few hours. This offers a unique opportunity for brands and individuals to make themselves known and reach a wider audience. In combination with the video trend, reflection is required on the acquisition potential.

This is nothing new; social media has revolutionized how we communicate, interact and promote our brand and/or business. They give us a platform to share content, connect with our audience, and build deeper relationships with our community. It is, therefore, essential in 2024 to understand the crucial aspects of social media and use it appropriately to reap its benefits fully. Social networks are powerful tools for achieving your goals and creating a solid online presence, and they are now a reality.

Online moderation

Online moderation has, unfortunately, at times, become an essential aspect of our daily lives on the Internet. Whether on social networks, marketplaces, news sites or e-commerce platforms, moderation of problematic comments is critical, and brands must pay special attention to it.

  1. Scope of moderation: Online moderation includes monitoring for fraudulent sales, counterfeits on marketplaces, profile verification, customer review moderation, filtering toxic comments on news sites, etc. It is difficult to find a space or industry that escapes this regulatory imperative, so we must be concerned;
  2. Community protection: Brands have understood the importance of moderation as a critical part of user experience. The vast majority of Internet users believe that the brand must protect its online community. Toxic comments, inappropriate behaviour, or offensive content can damage the reputation of a brand/company and, above all, the trust of users.
  3. Legal and ethical responsibility: Besides the consequences on a brand's reputation, there are also legal obligations regarding online moderation. In many countries, brands must report and remove illegal or offensive content. Online moderation is, therefore, not only a question of ethics but also compliance with current regulations, and we can anticipate that these regulations will be tightened over time and at great speed. Brands must, therefore, establish clear and effective moderation policies quickly to comply with these requirements;
  4. Importance of proactive moderation: Instead of only reacting to user-reported issues, proactive moderation is becoming increasingly essential. This involves implementing filtering and monitoring tools to automatically detect problematic content, such as hate speech, violent content or misleading information. This proactive approach helps ensure a safer online environment and prevents negative impacts on brand reputation.

In an online world where freedom of expression coexists with the need to protect users, online moderation plays a crucial role. Businesses must pay special attention to moderating problematic content to maintain a safe, respectful online community and preserve their reputation.

In conclusion, digital in 2024!

The trends for 2024 are exciting and promise to transform our approach to digital significantly. By embracing these trends and adapting them to our needs, we provide an opportunity to drive engagement, increase our visibility and improve user experiences. E-commerce will continue to dominate the economic landscape, while data collection will play a vital role in personalizing our websites. At the same time, employee advocacy is gaining importance.

The digital world is evolving rapidly, and staying informed of the latest trends is essential to remain competitive. By anticipating future developments and adapting our strategies and actions accordingly, we can take advantage of these trends to achieve our objectives and innovate.

So, let's not be afraid of change, embrace it enthusiastically, and take advantage of the exciting new perspectives and opportunities that can propel our businesses and brands to new heights in 2024.

The future of digital is in our hands, your hands, and it's time to chart our path to success in this ever-changing digital era :)

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