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E-commerce solutions

With e-commerce transactions constantly on the rise, no matter the size of your online store, you need a solution that evolves with your transactional website infrastructure and growth, while meeting your customers' expectations.

With e-commerce transactions constantly on the rise, no matter the size of your online store, you need a solution that evolves with your transactional website infrastructure and growth, while meeting your customers' expectations.

Deliver the best online shopping experience

Eliminate irritants at the source to ensure maximum conversion. Make online shopping more convenient than in-store shopping.

  • Fast page loading
  • Clear product descriptions
  • Review lookup
  • Additional product suggestions
  • Full information on delivery methods and lead times
  • Fast and user-friendly transactional process

The most reliable technologies on the market

Our tech skills

A customizable ecommerce solution.

An intuitive, accessible, and ergonomic ecommerce tool.

A must in the world of online commerce.

The world's leading content management company.

Drive traffic to your transactional site

Your partner in building a successful online store

Strategic planning

In-depth analysis of your needs and objectives to choose the most suitable content management system (CMS).

Store design

Creation of a reliable and easy-to-use infrastructure so you retain full autonomy from the moment it goes live.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Audit of your content and that of your competitors using a UX approach for search engines.

Performance measurement

Assessment of statistical data to improve your profitability (traffic, number of sales, abandoned carts, etc.)
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E-commerce strategic drivers

Online transactions are now the most popular way for consumers to make purchases.

  • They’re well informed
  • They compare products and prices
  • They glean information from reviews, social media, and forums
  • And they like to be well served and well guided

Your e-commerce strategy must include drivers for your offer to stand out and for Internet users to find what they need from your company.

At Webit, we call this 360 mixed marketing. This approach includes combined and personalized offers that are anything but commonplace.

Start your project